The BNP are not as concerned with future immigration as they are with the generations of immigrants that have been coming over here since the 1950s. Hence the race riots of recent years where they campaigned in Lancashire towns.
I will transpose their theory if it is concerning unskilled wasters coming through.
How about if every year every citizen was forced to take an aptitude test and those with low scores no matter what their back generative ethnic origin were forced to leave. There would be uproar.
Also what if you lived under a persecuted state where you knew that your life would be worthless if you couldn't get break in a civilised country.
A similar scenario happened in this country in the 1980s with regards to employment. Due to massive unemployment over here, many people had to go abroad to seek an earning. Often with fairly low paid jobs far below that of the indigeneous population, their quality of life was at least better than the dole in the UK. With a global recession on the way loopholes allowing guest workers were closed (Whereby people could work abroad at non-taxed rates) many were faced with no choice but to return home with no future. Economic refugees you might call them.
Final point on those with hands outstretched doing nothing whilst tax payers pay their way. What about the many families like that awful Bardsley womman and her ilk? Many families where underage pregnancies get earlier with each generation and children are seen as cas cows rather than offspring. All generally from the sort of people who would back such a rabble as Griffins lot.
Give me many of the hard working Asian, Arican, Carribean, Europeans etc that have come to our country worked hard and integrated themselves and are as much an integral part of our British society as anyone